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18,5x18,5 Cm

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  • Discusses the vulture, including where it lives, what it eats, and how it adapts to its arid environment.
  • Amazing animals of the desert fill the pages of this exciting bilingual series. Redesigned with new features, each book invites readers to discover the world of creatures that live in the desert. Young learners will read about each animal’s unique physical characteristics, behavior, and adaptations to their environment. Through fascinating facts and brilliant photographs, these books paint a vibrant picture of the incredible array of animal life in the desert habitat.
  • Las tormentas son un tema fascinante y una excelente manera de crear interés en la ciencia. Esta serie utiliza fotos dramáticas a todo color para captar la atención de los estudiantes y el auténtico idioma español. Cada libro explica un tipo de tormenta: cómo se ve, cómo se forma, el daño que puede causar y cómo las personas pueden protegerse del peligro. Las características de la serie.
  • Introduces the life of the prolific inventor who was also one of the United States' Founding Fathers.
  • Introduces the life of the Virginian who was the military leader of the colonies during the Revolution before becoming the first president of the United States.
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    Explores the life of the man who made the famous midnight ride during the American Revolution to warn of the impending arrival of British troops.
  • Introduces the spitting cobra, which in spite of its common name spreads its venom by spraying, and describes its habitat, appearance, and habits.
  • Photographs and simple text introduce the physical characteristics and behavior of sheep, one of the animals kept on farms.
  • Fascinating farm animals fill the pages of this exciting bilingual series. Redesigned with new features, each book invites readers to discover the world of creatures that make their home on the farm. Young learners will read about each animal’s unique physical characteristics, behavior, and adaptations to their environment. Through fascinating facts and brilliant photographs, these books paint a vibrant picture of the incredible array of life on the farm.
  • Amazing animals of the desert fill the pages of this exciting bilingual series. Redesigned with new features, each book invites readers to discover the world of creatures that live in the desert. Young learners will read about each animal’s unique physical characteristics, behavior, and adaptations to their environment. Through fascinating facts and brilliant photographs, these books paint a vibrant picture of the incredible array of animal life in the desert habitat.
  • Amazing animals of the desert fill the pages of this exciting bilingual series. Redesigned with new features, each book invites readers to discover the world of creatures that live in the desert. Young learners will read about each animal’s unique physical characteristics, behavior, and adaptations to their environment. Through fascinating facts and brilliant photographs, these books paint a vibrant picture of the incredible array of animal life in the desert habitat.
  • Desde una alcancia hasta una cuena de ahorro, hay muchas maneras de ahorrar dinero. ¿Qué es un banco? Explica como funciona un banco con temas como: Cómo abrir una cuenta de ahorro, cómo gana intereses una cuenta de ahorro y cómo presta dinero un banco. los lectores también aprenderán cómo usar su propia libreta bancaria, y visitarán una boveda de seguridad de un banco para ver donde guardan las personas su dinero y sus valores
  • Introduces pythons, describing their physical characteristics, life cycle, and predatory behavior.
  • Fascinating forest creatures fill the pages of this exciting bilingual series. Redesigned with new features, each book invites readers to discover the world of creatures that make their home deep in the woods. Young learners will read about each animal’s unique physical characteristics, behavior, and adaptations to their environment. Through fascinating facts and brilliant photographs, these books paint a vibrant picture of the incredible array of animal life in the forest.
  • The mountains are home to some of the worlds most sure-footed animals. Mountain goats can grip the tiniest piece of rock and leap among the jagged peaks with ease. In Mountain Goats/Cabras monteses, learn how these amazing creatures surviveand thriveat the top of the world. This special English-Spanish bilingual edition enables children to work on their second-language skills as they develop strengths in their primary language
  • Introduces mountain goats to beginning readers, including information about their young, feeding habits, and behavior.
  • Everyone loves getting mail. Mail carriers deliver letters and packages of all kinds. Some mail carriers drive cars and trucks, while others walk around town to deliver the mail. Readers are taken on a tour of the lives and days of our mail carriers.
  • ¿Sabías que el papel moneda no está hecho de papel? ¿O que Estados Unidos imprime suficiente dinero como para darle 30 vueltas a la tierra? Estos interesantes hechos y más puedes encontrar en este libro, además de sencillas explicaciones de las imágenes, símbolos y números que aparecen en nuestro papel moneda.
  • Las monedas hacen ruido en nuestros bolsillos y las usamos para comprar cosas que necesitamos. Pero si prestamos atención encontramos interesantes imágenes y palabras que nos hablan de la historia de nuestro país. Este libro nos habla de esta divisa, incluyendo las monedas que podemos coleccionar y como se fabrican el La Casa de la Moneda.
  • ¿Te imaginas una época en la que no existía el dinero? La gente hacia trueques o intercambios para obtener lo que necesita. Con el tiempo, el dinero facilito mucho las cosas Hoy, el dinero se usa en todo el mundo. Este libro revisa la historia del dinero desde los días del trueque hasta los distintos tipos de divisa que existen en la actualidad.
  • Discusses the jackrabbit, including where it lives, what it eats, and how it adapts to its arid environment.
  • Amazing animals of the desert fill the pages of this exciting bilingual series. Redesigned with new features, each book invites readers to discover the world of creatures that live in the desert. Young learners will read about each animal’s unique physical characteristics, behavior, and adaptations to their environment. Through fascinating facts and brilliant photographs, these books paint a vibrant picture of the incredible array of animal life in the desert habitat.
  • Being responsible means you can be trusted to do important things without being told. Sometimes, it might seem hard to be responsible or to discern the right path independently. This motivating guidebook explains just how easy being responsible can be at home, school, and around the neighborhood.
  • What does it mean to be a good citizen? It means being helpful and following the rules. Readers discover that they can do their part to make their communities better one small action at a time. Colorful photographs show kids being the best citizens they can be at school, at home, and with their friends.
  • Fascinating farm animals fill the pages of this exciting bilingual series. Redesigned with new features, each book invites readers to discover the world of creatures that make their home on the farm. Young learners will read about each animal’s unique physical characteristics, behavior, and adaptations to their environment. Through fascinating facts and brilliant photographs, these books paint a vibrant picture of the incredible array of life on the farm.
  • Introduces golden eagles to beginning readers, including information about their young, feeding habits, and behavior.
  • Amazing mountain animals fill the pages of this exciting bilingual series. Redesigned with new features, each book invites readers to discover the world of creatures that make their home in high places. Young learners will read about each animal’s unique physical characteristics, behavior, and adaptations to their environment. Through fascinating facts and brilliant photographs, these books paint a vibrant picture of the incredible array of animal life in the mountains.
  • Fascinating farm animals fill the pages of this exciting bilingual series. Redesigned with new features, each book invites readers to discover the world of creatures that make their home on the farm. Young learners will read about each animal’s unique physical characteristics, behavior, and adaptations to their environment. Through fascinating facts and brilliant photographs, these books paint a vibrant picture of the incredible array of life on the farm.
  • Todos los días la gente gasta dinero en los productos que quiere o necesita. El dinero que se gasta puede viajar alrededor del mundo y al banco de la esquina. Los cheques y las tarjetas de crédito son otra forma de gastar dinero, y este libro le da un vistazo a las diferentes formas que existen para gastar el dinero. Además, te enseña cómo hacer un presupuesto, una habilidad importante para que puedas estar seguro de tener dinero cuando lo necesites.

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