The spread of harmful chemicals and biological organisms can injure and kill thousands of people and make an infected area unlivable for some time to come. In the age of modern terrorism, many people fear militant organizations will unleash chemical and biological weapons in public places. This book provides readers with an overview of what these weapons are, who uses them and why, and explains how much of a threat they are to our way of life. Over time, countries have pledged to ban the use of CBWs in various agreements, with limited success.
Sin stockDiscute el calentamiento global, su efecto sobre los casquetes polares de la Antártida y el efecto que su fusión tiene sobre el nivel del mar, a través de una historia ficticia en formato de novela gráfica sobre una expedición científica a la Antártida.
Artificial Intelligence is one of the most intriguing and difficult technological advances ever explored by man. It is the study of intelligent behavior and the attempt to recreate it through technology. This beginner's guide explores, not only the technology behind AI, but the current and future benefits of further exploration.
Because of the biological similarities between many animals and humans, scientists can learn about diseases, and find out how humans might react to medicines, cosmetics, chemicals, and other products by testing them on animals first. According to the Humane Society of the United States, more than twenty-five million animals are used in research, testing, and education each year. Readers learn about the various philosophies on animal testing, what tests are used, and how they are performed. The book presents the pros and cons of animal testing and some of the alternative methods to animal testing that scientists are developing today.
Sale!PROMOEs real la preocupación social por la convivencia dentro del ámbito de la escuela, la presencia de conductas violentas que dañan el clima escolar o, incluso la formación de grupos o «tribus urbanas» violentas cuyas conductas deben ser entendidas y tratadas según sus peculiares características. Aunque la alarma social que generan algunos casos de violencia extrema, ejercida por menores, no se corresponde con la realidad de los hechos conflictivos ocurridos en el ámbito escolar, es razonable estar preocupados porque la educación sólo es posible en un marco de convivencia en el que se desarrollen positivamente las relaciones entre alumnos y entre profesores y alumnos.