This book dramatically explains the constant and epic battle between predator and prey, and the ways each adapts to its position on the food chain. There is an engaging section devoted to our place in the food chain, the environmental responsibilities of being at the top, and the consequences of over-fishing or over-harvesting.
Powerful and determined, the sea turtle lives a fascinating life. Its life journey begins when its mother travels thousands of miles to lay her eggs on a beach. Then it travels back to the ocean as a hatchling to start a life of its own. Readers will explore all the stages of a sea turtles life and learn how people can help them survive. Vivid photographs show these wonderful reptiles in great detail.
En una descripción real de la vida de un país geográficamente privilegiado. Esta edición ofrece una vasta mirada de la Colombia precolombina hasta nuestros días. Pasa de la leyenda a la realidad cuando sumerge al lector en la historia del territorio colombiano, en sus hallazgos arqueológicos, en la “colonización maicera” que posibilitó el poblamiento de la zona andina por parte de Las culturas orfebres. Viaja por los parques naturales (como el Parque Nacional Natural Los Nevados), por la fría y aparentemente inhóspita zona de nuestras cordilleras que albergan Los páramos más hermosos del continente, las ciudades más importantes, la economía floreciente, los estilos de vida y la cultura.
Tomatoes have long been a staple of Latin American cuisine. This fascinating book traces the history of the tomato, from its domestication in pre-Columbian Latin America through the present day. The book also discusses how tomatoes are grown, how they are cooked throughout Latin America, and how they have spread around the world.