Desde una alcancia hasta una cuena de ahorro, hay muchas maneras de ahorrar dinero. ¿Qué es un banco? Explica como funciona un banco con temas como: Cómo abrir una cuenta de ahorro, cómo gana intereses una cuenta de ahorro y cómo presta dinero un banco. los lectores también aprenderán cómo usar su propia libreta bancaria, y visitarán una boveda de seguridad de un banco para ver donde guardan las personas su dinero y sus valores
Powerful and determined, the sea turtle lives a fascinating life. Its life journey begins when its mother travels thousands of miles to lay her eggs on a beach. Then it travels back to the ocean as a hatchling to start a life of its own. Readers will explore all the stages of a sea turtles life and learn how people can help them survive. Vivid photographs show these wonderful reptiles in great detail.
Sin stockExplores the life of the man who made the famous midnight ride during the American Revolution to warn of the impending arrival of British troops.
The Statue of Liberty is an icon of the United States. The story of Lady Liberty is one of friendship, cooperation, and a firm belief in democracy. Readers will learn about the ingenious engineering within the statue. Theyll see vivid photographs showcasing her creation in France and her current watchful presence in New York Harbor. Readers will also learn why the statue has become a symbol of optimism and pride for many people.