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Inicio/Infantil y Juvenil/Jaguars/Jaguares



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Jaguars are the largest wild cats of Latin America. Jaguars have been an important cultural symbol dating back to the Mayans and the Aztecs. They continue to be a symbol of Mexico today. Learn about where these big cats live, what they eat, and how they hunt. Also find out about some of the other wild cats in Latin America, including the ocelot and the puma

1 disponibles


Jaguars are the largest wild cats of Latin America. Jaguars have been an important cultural symbol dating back to the Mayans and the Aztecs. They continue to be a symbol of Mexico today. Learn about where these big cats live, what they eat, and how they hunt. Also find out about some of the other wild cats in Latin America, including the ocelot and the puma

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Peso 0.500 kg

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